International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса

International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival

International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival

We invite you!
To the first Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival in Moscow. Our mission is to present the technique of Contact Improvisation through a variety of teachers and teaching styles, and to show it through the art of performance and improvisation.
Festival dates: July 15 - 23, 2006

Festival structure:
First part:
July 15 - participants arrival, festival opening. Jam.
July 16-17-18 - first three days of intensives and classes.
July 19 - day off and evening performance
Second part:
July 20-21 - intensives and classes resume.
July 22 - street performance and performance at the theatre.
July 23 - closing circle and departure of participants.

Open Performances - are the unique event in the world of Contact Improvisation and Performance of Russia!
- Side specific performance at the river bank near the Stas Namin's Theatre of Music and Drama begins at 18-00.
- Performance at the stage of the theatre begins at 19-00.

Price for the tickets varies from 150 to 500 rubles.

International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival

International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival