International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса

Accommodation, Eating


Participation in the festival includes: 2 meals a day of healthy vegetarian food, plus free coffee, tea, and water at all times.
Lunch: This is a light meal, as we want to keep on dancing.
Dinner: Food that includes a complete set of nutrients required to fulfill the body.


The festival goes in the area of Moscow city, so we offer you the following ways of accommodation.
You may stay in the one of Moscow participant's apartment - this will cost 40 euros for the whole festival time.
Or you may stay in a comfortable apartment we will rent especially for the festival, where you may live in groups from 4 to 8 with other festival participants. The price varies from 20 to 25 euros per day depending on how many of you stay in the apartment. This is cheaper than a hotel and you stay in the space of festival and live close to the site of the festival.
The first way is cheaper but you don't know how close you will live. Choose what you prefer and tell us either at the registration form or by mail.