International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Please pay attention to the following. Gabriele Koch and Gesine Daniels lead 2 different classes,
some teachers lead two-day classes.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Andrea Keiz
Dieter Heitkamp
Steve Batts
Gabriele Koch (Class 1)
Malin Anclair
Gabriele Koch (Class 2)
Eckhard Muller
Katya Velichko
Adrian Russi
Nikolai Schetnev
Gabriela Morales
Marik Khasin and Angela Doniy
Gesine Daniels (Class 1)
Robert Anderson
Caroline Waters
Gesine Daniels (Class 2)
Sasha Soshnikova and Serezha Golovnya
Ingo Rosenkranz

Using object inside the performance, Marik Khasin and Angela Doniy

Marik Khasin and Angela Doniy

About masterclass: Drapery, fabric as a Partner of the Dance.

We will explore drapery as a dance extension.
Play with dynamic of fabric breath.
Adjust ourselves to its rythm, state of fabric.
We are interested in body transformation through the motion of fabric. Using decorative aspect of the fabric, we will influence architecture, structure and form of the body.
we will work with attention, real presence, look for non standard decisions.
About Marik&Anjela: Marik Khasin was born in Odessa in the family of artists. Last 35 years he lives in Israel.
Created training-center in Moscow.
Gestalt-therapist, stage director, artist, musician, leads expressive trainings and effective communication.
The basic thing of Marik's training center is the expressive method of personality development. The idea is to return person from conceptualization to the real feeling of the human being. As a result «emptiness» is fulfilled with new ideas.
Marik has three children, who taught him unconditional love, spontaneity and the art of being.

Andjela Doni is a dance improviser, choreographer and a teacher oriented to contact improvisation and contemporary dance.
She was born in Kishinev, Moldavia.
She is educated High School of Culture, St-Petersburg, Russia 1981 -1985.
After graduation, she has experience like theatrical choreographer for 10 years.
She took part in different international festivals of contemporary dance, collaboration projects concerning improvisation and contact with teachers like Regine Chopinot (France), Mary Folkerson (Nederland), Eszter Gal (Hungary), Benno Vooram (Sweden), Denny Lepkoff (USA), Lisa Nelson (USA).

Since 1999 she lives in Moscow, and teaches contact improvisation, improvisation and development of movement.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Andrea Keiz
Dieter Heitkamp
Steve Batts
Gabriele Koch (Class 1)
Malin Anclair
Gabriele Koch (Class 2)
Eckhard Muller
Katya Velichko
Adrian Russi
Nikolai Schetnev
Gabriela Morales
Marik Khasin and Angela Doniy
Gesine Daniels (Class 1)
Robert Anderson
Caroline Waters
Gesine Daniels (Class 2)
Sasha Soshnikova and Serezha Golovnya
Ingo Rosenkranz