International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
Adrian Russi
Caroline Waters
Mirva Mäkinen
Gál Eszter
Alexandra Soshnikova
and Sergey Golovnya

Maria Grudskaya
Damir Arslanov
and Alfiya Rakhmanova

Ilya Domanov
Otto Akkanen
Ester Momblant Ribas
and Daniel Comas Castañer

Manuela Blanchard
Muriel Jeanne Mollet
Mirva Mäkinen
Alexandra Soshnikova and Sergey Golovnya

ConTRUST, Ilya Domanov

Ilya Domanov

About masterclass: Level: Intermediate.
During 2 days of the workshop we will explore ideas of “trust” and “out of trust” in contact dance. Focusing on interaction with a floor and a partner on the first day and the partner and the air on the second, through research of simple falling, sliding, flying and jumping, we will start looking different at our dance with the partner. What is happening, when we trust the partner, what is happening when we “want to trust” and what to do when we are at the area “out of trust” in contact dance.
As for me, the situation “out of trust” is not only “do not trust”, but also when I do not know what it means “to trust” the partner or situation when I totally give up, forgetting about myself and the partner.
Practically we will go through situations of trust and everything that is not trust: when we ruin the balance between “want and can”, “let’s try and follow me”, “mind and the flow of the dance”.
About Ilya Domanov: Dancer and actor from Russia, living in Israel for since 2004. teaches CI for 7 years, in Israel, Russia and Europe. Since 2004 teaches and performs with his partner- Ilanit Tadmor, in their joint studio- PLAY, in Tel Aviv.
Ilya also teaches CI to actors at the Bet Tzvi school.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
Adrian Russi
Caroline Waters
Mirva Mäkinen
Gál Eszter
Alexandra Soshnikova
and Sergey Golovnya

Maria Grudskaya
Damir Arslanov
and Alfiya Rakhmanova

Ilya Domanov
Otto Akkanen
Ester Momblant Ribas
and Daniel Comas Castañer

Manuela Blanchard
Muriel Jeanne Mollet
Mirva Mäkinen
Alexandra Soshnikova and Sergey Golovnya