International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Steve Batts
Alicia Grayson
Carol Swann
Joerg Hassmann
Adrian Russi
Mirva Makinen
Eckhard Muller
Pen Dale
Ulla Makinen
Ester Momblant Ribas
Gesine Daniels
Barbara Stahlberger
Juha Viitamaki
Caroline Waters
Lemmer Schmid
Alexander Girshon

Tasting movement, Joerg Hassmann

Joerg Hassmann

About masterclass:

A kind of technical aproach to CI (intermediate level and higher).

This is a technical workshop around basic movements and pathways in CI. I will share my favorites, which support and shape my dance. But the focus is on the inside of the movement. I want to look for the specific taste of a movement. I want to explore the colorboard of different delights of typical CI movements. Folding, opening, reaching, pushing, squeezing, swinging, floating, rebouncing, falling ... alone and with a partner. They all have their specific joy. I believe that the more precise and specific the inside felt quality of a movement or a touch is the more precise the movement will become on a technical level. And it allows that technique is based on a physical sensation. Then the step into feeling or being fully involved is very close. And here the dance I am interested in begins.

I believe that the base of CI is technical: It is the knowledge about sharing and transfering weight and the miracle that the point of contact can roll. The technique is based on human anatomy and physics. That's the reason why so many diffrent cultures can easily communicate through CI. But the dance is what lies beyond the technique. The dance doesn't want to be exercised, it wants to be tasted and eaten.

You will look at the human skeleton and some muscles. You will try to do movements, which I suggest. You will listen to the physical sensation and try to turn it into delight, alone, with the support of a partner and in partnering forms. And you will dance a lot because this is the place to integrate the new.

About Joerg Hassmann: Joerg teaches CI since 1995. From his background as a dance and theatre improviser he entered the stage and eventually contemporary dance techniques. Actually he draws a lot impulses out of the muscular, controlled but fluent movement qualities of capoeira. Another strong base are techniques like Alexander and BMC which are based on the human anatomy and which are looking for the least necessary effort of a movement. And not to forget: playind and a huge amount of curiosity.

Teaching seems to be more essential to him than performing, although stage is a great and necessary teacher for him. He still hasn't given up his believe in Contact based improvisation on stage even though his main stage work are set pieces with various companies - performed e.g. in France, Egypt, Japan and the USA. 2006 he won with a contact based duett with Jenny Haack the 1. price at the international dance festival in Kalisz/ Poland.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Steve Batts
Alicia Grayson
Carol Swann
Joerg Hassmann
Adrian Russi
Mirva Makinen
Eckhard Muller
Pen Dale
Ulla Makinen
Ester Momblant Ribas
Gesine Daniels
Barbara Stahlberger
Juha Viitamaki
Caroline Waters
Lemmer Schmid
Alexander Girshon