International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
Adrian Russi
Caroline Waters
Mirva Mäkinen
Gál Eszter
Alexandra Soshnikova
and Sergey Golovnya

Maria Grudskaya
Damir Arslanov
and Alfiya Rakhmanova

Ilya Domanov
Otto Akkanen
Ester Momblant Ribas
and Daniel Comas Castañer

Manuela Blanchard
Muriel Jeanne Mollet
Mirva Mäkinen
Alexandra Soshnikova and Sergey Golovnya

About the body’s sound, Ester Momblant Ribas
and Daniel Comas Castañer

Ester Momblant Ribas <br>and Daniel Comas Castañer

About masterclass: Every expressive language (as they are Contact Improvisation and Music Improvisation) needs to be explored and experimented for being extended, developed and understood. One way to get more inside any language is to try to explore other different languages at the same time, in this case the music. So... Why not to use Musical Improvisation language to approach the Contact Improvisation? Or... Why not to use the Contact Improvisation language to approach the Musical Improvisation?
After three years of investigation, Ester (improvisation and contact improvisation dancer and teacher) and Dani (music improviser), have reached points of communication between the two forms; developed tools with which to work from and created a commune language integrating both dance improvisation (Contact) and music improvisation.

A very important element for this work is the listening; a basic aspect of communication. Both, music and dance need a huge amount of listening (music in the literal way and dance in a more sensorial sense), both work with listening in a slightly different ways, which can complement each other and create a wider range of communication possibilities. How both are using this base? And how both of them can interact though these two different ways of listening? and, How can one feed the other?
Repetition, motif and development, question and answer (dialogue), canon, etc… are some of the tools used in both art forms. Ester and Dani propose to use them as a link to create an extra element for the dancer to relate to, and for the music to get inspired from.

In fact this is an invitation for exploring the dance, the relationship between the dancers, the relationship between the dancers and the music, the relationship with the music, and the music; and, overall, to reach a better knowledge of the individual language as a way of communicating.
About Ester Momblant Ribas
and Daniel Comas Castañer:
Ester and Dani have been collaborating together since 2005. During that time they have been putting together their questions about combining and comparing Music Improvisation and Contact Improvisation. Ester and Dani have worked and performed in several projects together, as well as in the 2nd and 3th Contact Festival in Barcelona (2006 and 2007).
Ester Momblant Ribas is graduated by the University College Chichester (U.K.), teaches Contact Improvisation since 2000, and also teaches body-awareness at the Music University College in Barcelona.
Dani Comas Castañer is graduated in music pedagogy by the University of Barcelona, currently is studying at the Music University College in Barcelona.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
Adrian Russi
Caroline Waters
Mirva Mäkinen
Gál Eszter
Alexandra Soshnikova
and Sergey Golovnya

Maria Grudskaya
Damir Arslanov
and Alfiya Rakhmanova

Ilya Domanov
Otto Akkanen
Ester Momblant Ribas
and Daniel Comas Castañer

Manuela Blanchard
Muriel Jeanne Mollet
Mirva Mäkinen
Alexandra Soshnikova and Sergey Golovnya