International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
Adrian Russi
Caroline Waters
Mirva Mäkinen
Gál Eszter
Alexandra Soshnikova
and Sergey Golovnya

Maria Grudskaya
Damir Arslanov
and Alfiya Rakhmanova

Ilya Domanov
Otto Akkanen
Ester Momblant Ribas
and Daniel Comas Castañer

Manuela Blanchard
Muriel Jeanne Mollet
Mirva Mäkinen
Alexandra Soshnikova and Sergey Golovnya


Muriel Jeanne Mollet

About masterclass: Fighting without the goal of winning, playful dancing, fightfull playing, teasing each other, testing the limits (our own or of our partner(s)). Discover the joyfull and light/soft aspect of fighting. To use the power of agression for playful fighting, dancing and having fun together.

We will work with themes like manipulation, pushing-pulling, diverting energy, resistance – following. Through improvisational and technical exercices we will get to know and deepen these themes and widen our bodyknowlegde. We will meet each other in different or new ways while dancing together.

About Muriel Jeanne Mollet : MURIEL JEANNE MOLLET is working as a danceteacher, dancer and choreographer.
After her education at the Professional School for Dance and Gymnastic in Baden, Switzerland (SBTG-Diplom 1989) she spent two years in Germany, where she studied „Elementarer Tanz“ at the at the University of Sports Köln. She continued studiing different Dance-, Improvisationtechniques and martial arts.
1993-1997 she was founder and director of SURIEL dancetheater.

She toured with her Solodanceprogramm „ Pflastersteine“, with „Another Waste Land“ and „A.TENDRE“ (SURIEL tanztheater) und „Traum-Traum“ (Tanzmatik) in Germany and Switzerland.
1999 she received a grant of Kuratorium des Kanton Aargau to spend 3 months in Berlin. Since 2003 she is a member of the Research-, Improvisation- & Performance-Group „x-group“.
Performances with the Capoeira Show group and dancing in different dance productions guided her through Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Brasil.

Since more than 20 years she is exploring and working with dance and improvisation. This brought her to different dance techniques and the Martial Arts like Contemporary Dance, Elementarer Tanz, Release Technique, Contact Improvisation, Capoeira and Shinson Hapkido. Since she started Contact Improvisation she never stopped and falls in love with it again and again.
Joyfull dancing, Games, experimenting with movement and physical forces, discovering the extremes and limits, rhythm, music and flow are the most important in her teaching and dancing.

In her classes she aims for a balance between technique, improvisations skills and sensitive awareness.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
Adrian Russi
Caroline Waters
Mirva Mäkinen
Gál Eszter
Alexandra Soshnikova
and Sergey Golovnya

Maria Grudskaya
Damir Arslanov
and Alfiya Rakhmanova

Ilya Domanov
Otto Akkanen
Ester Momblant Ribas
and Daniel Comas Castañer

Manuela Blanchard
Muriel Jeanne Mollet
Mirva Mäkinen
Alexandra Soshnikova and Sergey Golovnya