International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
Adrian Russi
Caroline Waters
Mirva Mäkinen
Gál Eszter
Alexandra Soshnikova
and Sergey Golovnya

Maria Grudskaya
Damir Arslanov
and Alfiya Rakhmanova

Ilya Domanov
Otto Akkanen
Ester Momblant Ribas
and Daniel Comas Castañer

Manuela Blanchard
Muriel Jeanne Mollet
Mirva Mäkinen
Alexandra Soshnikova and Sergey Golovnya

Energy of contact dance, Damir Arslanov
and Alfiya Rakhmanova

Damir Arslanov <br> and Alfiya Rakhmanova

About masterclass: During this two-day class we will practice the contact dance based on energy “ki” (chi) in our bodies. The word “ki” (chi) is used in eastern culture to describe the energy, which is invisible and pervades all in the world. Some exercise for tuning the body and partner are taken from eastern practices, specifically from aikido, will be used on the class.

More details:
The energy fills in our bodies when body is relaxed and awakens. Feeling the wholeness, center and how the limbs are connected through, help the body fills in with the energy. Multidimensional arches and curves are appearing in every point while we follow easy tensing and stretching.

In contact with partner we will create the one-system – i.e. we feel the body of our partner as part of ours, giving the support to it. We will move in comfort, allowing our bodies to choose the next step in the one system.

Dance as one whole flow of our integral bodies’ centers.
Dance filled in with the energy, softness and power.
Dance which always new.

About Damir Arslanov
and Alfiya Rakhmanova:
Damir Arslanov: Dancer, Performer.
I practice contact improvisation since 2004, teach since 2006.
I work with the body, using practice of attentive and relaxed observation of the internal processes, methods pre-techinque (developed by Lisa Nelson), Barten'eff system.
Main idea of successful studying of CI for me is deep interest to my own «body wisdom» and following basic principles of dance.

Alfiya Rakhmanova: I taste CI since 2000 and realized that it is very tasty in 2004 and started sharing my experience, leading groups, taking part in conferences and festivals, photographing CI.
I studied processual work of A. Midell, dance therapy, teach psychotherapy in one of Moscow universities, and implement a project, where movent, dance and bodywork become one of the ways for psychotherapists’ education.
In research of meeting and cooperation of arts - dance, photo, video, painting, sound, psychotherapy, I understood that anyone needs to meet their own body, their own dance, dance in contact with the partner, because the movement, touch, contact are what the human starts with.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
Adrian Russi
Caroline Waters
Mirva Mäkinen
Gál Eszter
Alexandra Soshnikova
and Sergey Golovnya

Maria Grudskaya
Damir Arslanov
and Alfiya Rakhmanova

Ilya Domanov
Otto Akkanen
Ester Momblant Ribas
and Daniel Comas Castañer

Manuela Blanchard
Muriel Jeanne Mollet
Mirva Mäkinen
Alexandra Soshnikova and Sergey Golovnya