International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Steve Batts
Alicia Grayson
Carol Swann
Joerg Hassmann
Adrian Russi
Mirva Makinen
Eckhard Muller
Pen Dale
Ulla Makinen
Ester Momblant Ribas
Gesine Daniels
Barbara Stahlberger
Juha Viitamaki
Caroline Waters
Lemmer Schmid
Alexander Girshon

Immersion, Eckhard Muller

Eckhard Muller

About masterclass: All levels. The workshop invites you to dive deeply into the Contact Improvisation form, deepening the foundamentals, trusting in the body’s wisdom...
Stimulating the natural curiosity for the unknown, we will enter a state of exploration and we will sink into the intuitive responses of our bodies.
The practice will deepen our awareness, to develop, stretch and transfrom the possibilities of the body in the dance.
About Eckhard Muller: Falling in love with Contact Improvisation in 1988, I started studying contemporary dance (releasetechnique, alignment, improvisation, contactimprovisation, composition) at bewegungs-art Freiburg, (diplom in 93) as well as with Alito Alessi, David Zambrano, Mark Tompkins, Julyen Hamilton, Martin Keogh, Nancy Stark-Smith among many other masters.
My main interest is the dance form Contact Improvisation. This technique allows my body to feel free to do any risky movement, to be able to confront any dangerous situation (physically and mentally). It is a training for body, mind and soul to open up our physical abilities and our creativity for our personal life process or our artistical pathway.

Since 1994 I teach professionals of theatres/companies, dance students in academies and non professionals in dance centers all over the world.

As a dancer I was working for choreographers like Iztoc Kovac, Mark Tompkins, David Zambrano,… Besides this I collaborated with different improvisors creating structures to improvise on stage. Since 2002 our dance theatre company dégadézo in Strasbourg is creating pieces, using improvisation as a tool to find the choreographical material.

In the past allmost 20 years I put a lot of energy in building up and supporting “contact communities” in my own home city as well as all over the world. Our events like the the blackforestjam and the contactfestival freiburg ( , create an international exchange about the dance form Contact Improvisation between professional and non professionals.

My newest “skin-concept” is a structure, that allows the audience to participate inside a performance setting without any instruction.
Co-founder of the contactfestival freiburg, is enthusiastically dancing and performing CI since 1988. In his teaching he is playfully searching for depth in understanding the form. He was working for choreographers like Iztok Kovac, Mark Tompkins and David Zambrano, who influenced his work a lot, before co-founding the companie dégadézo in Strasbourg/France in 2002.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Steve Batts
Alicia Grayson
Carol Swann
Joerg Hassmann
Adrian Russi
Mirva Makinen
Eckhard Muller
Pen Dale
Ulla Makinen
Ester Momblant Ribas
Gesine Daniels
Barbara Stahlberger
Juha Viitamaki
Caroline Waters
Lemmer Schmid
Alexander Girshon