International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Festival Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
(before and after the festival)
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh
Arye Bursztyn
Gesine Daniels
Luke Johnson
Sabine Parzer
Ilona Kenova
Yaniv Mintzer
Ilya Domanov
Katia Velichko
Alexander Girshon and Angela Doni
Maria Grudskaya
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh

Breathing into Wings: Inner and Outer Dance, Arye Bursztyn

Arye Bursztyn

About masterclass: Contact-Improvisation, being a dialogical form, will be experienced in this intensive on the edge of both theater and dance. The taste, intention and methods of this work were developed by working both with theater actors and contact-improvisers: We shall engage with each other in physical "pure-movement" explorations of the contact-improvisation form as well as on the levels of emotion, heart and meaning. We shall responsibly and adventurously practice modes of listening, communicating, and mutual sharing of movement, playfulness, craziness and images. We shall explore the depth and power of breathing and its communicative and ecstatic qualities; voice, words and stories that emerge from the dancing; and the rich and colorful possibilities of integrating breath-work, story-telling and contact-improvisation into meaningful performance work. The intensive will include some improvisational skill-building as well as free experimentation and play.
The classes will begin with physical and vocal warm-ups, will move through some structures and scores of improvisation and contact, and will lead towards mini-performances in duets and small groups.
This intensive does not require a very high technical level in contact or in dance (even though some experience is recommended), however it requires a willingness to explore, express, take risks and enjoy them, and above all, a commitment to playfulness. We shall play, laugh, yawn, get loud or soft or serious, dance wildly or meditatively, be very careless and/or very responsible. We shall make many productive mistakes. We shall, above all, practice listening to each other on many different levels.
About Arye Bursztyn: Was a professional dancer at Bat-Sheva, Kol-Demama and Karmon Dance companies in Israel and in the productions of Ushio Amagatsu of the Sankai Juku Company in the USA and Japan.
Choreographed extensively for dance and for theater in Israel.
Dances, teaches and performs Contact-Improv since 1985. Taught and performed in Israel, Europe, USA and Japan with set and improvised work.
BA in Sociology, Anthropology and Psychology from Tel Aviv University, (1978). MFA in dance from Smith College, Northampton, Mass., USA (1989). A certified therapist specializing in BodyMind Gestalt Therapy.
Teaches movement, improvisation, CI and composition for dance and for acting and directing theater students at Seminar Hakibbutzim Teachers' College in Tel Aviv. His recent theater production was "Breath" for 15 actors and live music.
He is married and a father of two.

Festival Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
(before and after the festival)
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh
Arye Bursztyn
Gesine Daniels
Luke Johnson
Sabine Parzer
Ilona Kenova
Yaniv Mintzer
Ilya Domanov
Katia Velichko
Alexander Girshon and Angela Doni
Maria Grudskaya
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh