Nowhere Bound, Martin Keogh

About masterclass: | Contact improvisation requires a courageous willingness -- but never so much as when we dance in the absence of will – those moments when we drop the reigns and, nowhere bound, allow our animal to carry us.
Join good company for dancing and discovery. With games, some sweat, and the unique physicality of the contact body we will savor and rock the boundaries between states of allowing and mindful intention.
We will explore:
• Moving from a base of sensation
• Dancing with a shared central axis
• Seeking ease in going off balance
• Finding the spontaneous acrobatics of the form
• Spending more time in nuance, disorientation, and extended follow-through
This is an advanced level training for those with a grasp of Contact fundamentals | About Martin Keogh: | Martin Keogh has taught and performed contact improvisation for over twenty-nine years. For his contribution to the development of the form he is a Fulbright Senior Specialist and listed in Who's Who in the World. Martin spent time traveling to monasteries in Japan and Korea and was the director of the Empty Gate Zen Center in Berkeley before discovering the world of dance. He has co-facilitated Teacher’s Conferences on four continents and is the author of The Art of Waiting and As Much Time as it Takes. More info at: