International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Please pay attention to the following. Gabriele Koch and Gesine Daniels lead 2 different classes,
some teachers lead two-day classes.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Andrea Keiz
Dieter Heitkamp
Steve Batts
Gabriele Koch (Class 1)
Malin Anclair
Gabriele Koch (Class 2)
Eckhard Muller
Katya Velichko
Adrian Russi
Nikolai Schetnev
Gabriela Morales
Marik Khasin and Angela Doniy
Gesine Daniels (Class 1)
Robert Anderson
Caroline Waters
Gesine Daniels (Class 2)
Sasha Soshnikova and Serezha Golovnya
Ingo Rosenkranz

Trust yourself and be safe risking, Sasha Soshnikova and Serezha Golovnya

Sasha Soshnikova and Serezha Golovnya

About masterclass: The class is about, how we can develop our own dance, being with partner without loosing the contact.
This class is for people, who are familiar with basics of contact improvisation, who has the question, how to keep the balance between the wish to risk & safety, for those who are ready to investigate the correlation: from trusting themselves to trusting the partner.

The following things we suppose to use in the class:
- technical part, it will help us to investigate and use our own & our partner’s physical characteristics to be able to give and to take the weight, lifts, falls, supports or changes;
- movements and ideas of partner, safety in risk (work with the center, extremities, point of contact, rotations, spirals, touches/no touches, balance, working with the soft floor and soft partner, when you fall, different possibilities to take)
- Improvisation exercises: based on trust;
- Dance as itself, through your own perception of received material and mutual relations within the dance with partner.
About Sasha&Serezha: Alexandra Soshnicova: I am a dancer, choreographer, teacher, and project organizer from Moldova. In the course of my artistic career, I’ve drifted closer toward performing improvisation and movement research. I’ve been practicing CI (contact improvisation) since1998. I’ve taught contact improvisation and contemporary dance technique in Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel and Bulgaria.
I started working with Sergey Golovnea in 1999 as part of the contemporary dance group Voices led by A. Donii. As of 2000, we’ve been working together as an independent duo performing and staging improvisation shows, as well as teaching improvisation and contemporary dance technique to children and adults.
…I cherish the idea that everything in our life depends on our will and effort and that every real dream we have eventually comes true. I enjoy surprises and meeting new people; I prefer to work in a group, as I don’t particularly fancy being alone. I also like to watch things … children, flowers, etc.
I take keen interest in dance research as a tool to gain an insight into one’s inner world by way of physical (external) expression.
I find it interesting to reveal or, perhaps, alter one’s emotional condition and body’s memory; interaction through dance – when partners enrich each other’s feelings – provides more room for discovery.

Sergey Golovnea: I am a dancer, choreographer, and teacher from Moldova. I’ve been practicing CI since 1999. I’ve taught contact improvisation and contemporary dance technique in Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel and Bulgaria.

…I’m absorbed with the idea of bringing the understanding and harmony obtained through contact improvisation into everyday relationship between people and the surrounding world.
I am sure that our body, spirit and dancing movement are directly linked to each other and that we are capable of enhancing this connection and, as a result, changing our lives for the better.
I’ve been particularly interested in my performance progression for it helps me find answers to some of the questions while teaching and improvising.
I find inspiration in the people I meet, music I hear inside, world around me, and the dance that allows me to express myself fully and enjoy harmony in contact with my partner.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Andrea Keiz
Dieter Heitkamp
Steve Batts
Gabriele Koch (Class 1)
Malin Anclair
Gabriele Koch (Class 2)
Eckhard Muller
Katya Velichko
Adrian Russi
Nikolai Schetnev
Gabriela Morales
Marik Khasin and Angela Doniy
Gesine Daniels (Class 1)
Robert Anderson
Caroline Waters
Gesine Daniels (Class 2)
Sasha Soshnikova and Serezha Golovnya
Ingo Rosenkranz