International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Please pay attention to the following. Gabriele Koch and Gesine Daniels lead 2 different classes,
some teachers lead two-day classes.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Andrea Keiz
Dieter Heitkamp
Steve Batts
Gabriele Koch (Class 1)
Malin Anclair
Gabriele Koch (Class 2)
Eckhard Muller
Katya Velichko
Adrian Russi
Nikolai Schetnev
Gabriela Morales
Marik Khasin and Angela Doniy
Gesine Daniels (Class 1)
Robert Anderson
Caroline Waters
Gesine Daniels (Class 2)
Sasha Soshnikova and Serezha Golovnya
Ingo Rosenkranz

Dancing CI, Malin Anclair

Malin Anclair

About masterclass: The main focus is to find the dance and flow in CI. In order to do that we will go through some of the basic fundamentals of CI, gravity and support, rolling point of contact, as well as a soft movement quality. With increasing knowledge of the skills transformed into dance, you will be able to find the flow and develop your own contact dance in the meeting with others.
About Malin Anclair: Malin Anclair works as a dancer, choreographer and teacher. Malin is one of the “fire souls” in Stockholm working with spreading the form CI, by organizing jams, seminars, workshop and doing performances in Sweden and the Nordic countries.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Andrea Keiz
Dieter Heitkamp
Steve Batts
Gabriele Koch (Class 1)
Malin Anclair
Gabriele Koch (Class 2)
Eckhard Muller
Katya Velichko
Adrian Russi
Nikolai Schetnev
Gabriela Morales
Marik Khasin and Angela Doniy
Gesine Daniels (Class 1)
Robert Anderson
Caroline Waters
Gesine Daniels (Class 2)
Sasha Soshnikova and Serezha Golovnya
Ingo Rosenkranz