International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Please pay attention to the following. Gabriele Koch and Gesine Daniels lead 2 different classes,
some teachers lead two-day classes.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Andrea Keiz
Dieter Heitkamp
Steve Batts
Gabriele Koch (Class 1)
Malin Anclair
Gabriele Koch (Class 2)
Eckhard Muller
Katya Velichko
Adrian Russi
Nikolai Schetnev
Gabriela Morales
Marik Khasin and Angela Doniy
Gesine Daniels (Class 1)
Robert Anderson
Caroline Waters
Gesine Daniels (Class 2)
Sasha Soshnikova and Serezha Golovnya
Ingo Rosenkranz

Improvisation class "The time", Nikolai Schetnev

Nikolai Schetnev

About masterclass: Whatever we do the time was, is, will be there, it goes, stops, slows down and speeds up. Maybe it doesn’t really exist, and people just made up some kind of frames to make the life easier?
Our main focus will be on the sensation of time and we will experiment with it in different variants, in a game and improvisation, beginning to work in solo and then in group. Initiative is welcome. The class is a research laboratory.
For middle level or for those who want and think they are ready.
About Nikolai Schetnev: Nikolai Schetnev (dancer) holds a degree in choreography from the Arkhangelsk College of Culture and Art. Nikolai has been instrumental in the area of arts management in Russia with the creation of TOUCH, an annual International Festival of Contemporary Dance featuring companies from Russia, Europe and the USA. Nikolai is especially known for his work as a solo artist . Aside from his own acclaimed solo and video art work, he has participated in more than a dozen workshops and projects in different countries and has received support and recognition through more than twenty councils and festivals around the world. Nikolai has danced for several prestigious companies and choreographers throughout Europe and, in 1998, founded his own "Other Dance Theatre" and, in 2002, the Center of Contemporary Dance, both of Arkhangelsk. He has been an active participant and leader in numerous dance-related international conferences and is known as a master teacher in contact improvisation.

Intensive teachersTeachers of CI and improvisation classes
Andrea Keiz
Dieter Heitkamp
Steve Batts
Gabriele Koch (Class 1)
Malin Anclair
Gabriele Koch (Class 2)
Eckhard Muller
Katya Velichko
Adrian Russi
Nikolai Schetnev
Gabriela Morales
Marik Khasin and Angela Doniy
Gesine Daniels (Class 1)
Robert Anderson
Caroline Waters
Gesine Daniels (Class 2)
Sasha Soshnikova and Serezha Golovnya
Ingo Rosenkranz