International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Festival Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
(before and after the festival)
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh
Arye Bursztyn
Gesine Daniels
Luke Johnson
Sabine Parzer
Ilona Kenova
Yaniv Mintzer
Ilya Domanov
Katia Velichko
Alexander Girshon and Angela Doni
Maria Grudskaya
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh

Sounding of the Contact, Katia Velichko

Katia Velichko

About masterclass: (Release of the voice in contact improvisation)
Sound and contact improvisation is unusual combination, which opens new space for the movement, liberation and possibility to manifest yourself in contact with others.
My interest is toward the direction of research how the sounding in contact improvisation – it may enrich, open your dance, fill it with new colors and sounds.
Нow to open the sound to express emotions and feelings at the moment of contact?
letting out the voice from the center fill it with power of movement, to following for the sound and vibration of the body in the flow of dance.
The class will contain a few parts:
First acquaintance and short warm up, games and actors’ exercises. Further on we will go deeper into research of possibilities of sounding and moving at the same time to find out how the sound is connected to the body, how it lives inside the body and how it opens during the movement.
Will find the physical aspect of the voice, its flesh and materiality, volume and force by moving it, shaking, touching, paying attention to the centre, spine and breath.
In the last part we will have more dancing with voice and partners, to feel the pleasure and taste of contact and free flow of the sound!
I see this workshop as light and deep process, where we allow ourselves to breath, sound and dance simultaneously!

About Katia Velichko: Actress, dancer and performer.
I’ve danced from my early childhood. After graduating as the actress at the Academy of Eurytmia, where Angela Doni taught CI, I fell in love with Contact Improvisation and has realised that I will be doing it always.
And here already 10 years I practise CI, teach, stady, travel where again and again stadyed and teach.
People, their uniqueness and many-sided nature are interesting to me.
I find it interesting to open myself and open for the others the joy of movement and new opportunities to create, be together and toenjoy, as children to the nature. For me, the key point in creation work - qualities in improvisation is brightness, openness and courage to be itself!

Festival Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
(before and after the festival)
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh
Arye Bursztyn
Gesine Daniels
Luke Johnson
Sabine Parzer
Ilona Kenova
Yaniv Mintzer
Ilya Domanov
Katia Velichko
Alexander Girshon and Angela Doni
Maria Grudskaya
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh