International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Festival Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
(before and after the festival)
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh
Arye Bursztyn
Gesine Daniels
Luke Johnson
Sabine Parzer
Ilona Kenova
Yaniv Mintzer
Ilya Domanov
Katia Velichko
Alexander Girshon and Angela Doni
Maria Grudskaya
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh

The Sixth Sense, Maria Grudskaya

Maria Grudskaya

About masterclass: Proprioception is one of the sensory systems of the body (as well as sight, touch, hearing etc.); it indicates where the various parts of the body are located in relation to each other. Due to proprioreceptors we have the information about the position and movement of the body, volume and mass, we can coordinate our movement, for example we are able to touch the nose with eyes closed. Proprioceptive information is being constantly delivered to the brain, but often we are not aware of it.
While awareness of this sense can bring some new quality to our movement.
In a contact dance Proprioception can help to:
- Feel the connection of extremities and the centre of the body and perceive the body as a whole
- To read the movement of the partner and move together as an interconnected system
- Feel the floor through the partner
We will move and experiment in solo and with a partner, exploring this new tool – proprioception, appreciating it as if it was a third eye or supersensitive hearing.
About Maria Grudskaya: Masha is a dancer, teacher and organizer from Moscow, Russia. She teaches CI in Moscow, in other cities of Russia and abroad. She performs regularly with a contemporary dance theatre and with a group of improvisers. Since 2007 she has been experimenting with teaching CI to children.
“When I dance and teach, it feels like I am constantly opening new doors, finding new details and meanings. I love to see myself and other people enjoying the taste of movement. I am happy to have a group of friends with whom we dance, perform, teach and learn together and make the big contact festival every year!”

Festival Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
(before and after the festival)
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh
Arye Bursztyn
Gesine Daniels
Luke Johnson
Sabine Parzer
Ilona Kenova
Yaniv Mintzer
Ilya Domanov
Katia Velichko
Alexander Girshon and Angela Doni
Maria Grudskaya
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh