International Contact Improvisation and Performance Festival
International Contact Improvisation and Performance FestivalМеждународный Фестиваль Контактной Импровизации и Перформанса


Festival Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
(before and after the festival)
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh
Arye Bursztyn
Gesine Daniels
Luke Johnson
Sabine Parzer
Ilona Kenova
Yaniv Mintzer
Ilya Domanov
Katia Velichko
Alexander Girshon and Angela Doni
Maria Grudskaya
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh

Text, Translation and Performance, Luke Johnson

Luke Johnson

About masterclass: This workshop is about the use of text in multilingual improvisational performance. We will explore improvising translations of existing texts in a variety of ways. The class will be interesting both for those who are new to using language in their improvisation as well as for those who are experienced using their voice.
About Luke Johnson: Terrence Luke Johnson has been improvising in Los Angeles, California for forty years. Starting in theater improvisation, he first studied Contact Improvisation in 1976 with Janet Lott. In 1991, he became active in the Los Angeles Contact community, studying with Mary Herzog and Kirk Andrews. For the last 15 years he has concentrated on improvisational dance. He has worked with Caroline Waters, Carmela Hermann, Simone Forti, Shel Wagner and Dana Hirsch, among others, performing in Los Angeles, Israel, Hungary and Poland, among other places.

Festival Intensive teachersTeachers of CI classesWorkshop teachers
(before and after the festival)
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh
Arye Bursztyn
Gesine Daniels
Luke Johnson
Sabine Parzer
Ilona Kenova
Yaniv Mintzer
Ilya Domanov
Katia Velichko
Alexander Girshon and Angela Doni
Maria Grudskaya
Andrew Harwood
Martin Keogh